On Saturday, May 18, the Eastern Division hit angler-favorite Snipatuit Pond for its second regular-season event of the year. At 5:45 AM, 26 anglers launched into the dreary morning hoping the rain kept its distance…
And it did—for about 20 minutes.
From then on out, it was a cold, windy, and wet day. In other words, a typical tournament day for MAKB East.
Christopher Nardi put the first bass on the board at 6:11 AM, and the bite remained consistent for him and many others throughout the day. Overall, 128 bass were submitted, as well as four pickerel.
When the tournament ended (as well as the rain, of course), Alex Weisheit sat in fifth place with 83.25 inches. Mirroring that score, in fourth place, was John Ferreira, who’s 17.50 was the tie-breaker between them.
In third place was Christopher Nardi, who landed 84.25 of Snipatuit largemouth; while Joe Fournier hauled in 87.25 inches, good enough for a solid second-place finish.
Despite the conditions, Ken Wood brought a frog rod with him. The cool water temps and lack of shoreline cover had him convinced it was too early in the season, but a few minutes in, he grabbed the rod and gave it a shot. Three casts later, he had a 19.50 in the net. Three minutes after that, he slapped a 17 down on the board.
Unfortunately, the frog bite was not as consistent as it started, but when something bit, it was a good one. All told, he managed 93.25, anchored by a 20-incher, which he was convinced was good enough for lunker and would have had him “hitting for the cycle”—lunker, pickerel lunker (a 23.75, also caught on the frog), Double Down, and first place.
Domenic Eno put an end to that dream with a mondo 22-inch donkey! Great fish! Who could be mad about that?
Congrats, everyone. Great job out there!
Check out the full results here.
Our next event is at Mashpee-Wakeby on June 29. That’ll be an interesting one for sure…