As you all know, we are partnered with Kayak Bass Fishing (KBF) and we use TourneyX as our tournament management system. Massachusetts Kayak Bassin’ is run with integrity and respect to our anglers, and we trust and believe in these two companies, as they are aligned with our goals as a group.
We do not require our anglers to share those same beliefs, but openly and continuously disparaging our partners—or our sponsors, anglers, etc.—on social media undermines MAKB as a whole.
It will no longer be tolerated.
Going forward, if you choose this path, you will be removed from our groups and banned from fishing our events.
Constructive criticism is always welcome. Baseless accusations and conspiracy theories are not.
As leaders of this group, through input from our anglers and from others withing the kayak community, we make decisions based on what we feel is best for the group as a whole. We try, but we cannot please everyone. All we ask is that you trust us.
Thank you.