Tag: The Northeast No Limit Showdown

Over 32,000 Inches of Bass!

Okay, folks, here it is, the official results for the first ever Northeast No Limit Showdown!

Once again, sorry for the delay in getting everything judged. The amount of fish submitted exceeded our expectations by quite a bit. We had been judging every submission each day, but once we got behind there was just no way to catch up.

Because a TON of fish were caught!

We had 40 anglers sign up, and 38 of them submitted fish—2,288 fish, to be exact, for a ridiculous grand total of 32,592.50 inches! Crazy.

Anyway, without further ado, here are the top four and lunkers:

1st Place: Chris Marty (4,212.75)
2nd Place: Ken Wood (3,400.75)
3rd Place: Edmar Junior (3,123.00)
4th Place: Tom Kringle (2,741.75)

Lunker Largemouth: Edmar Junior (21.75)
Lunker Smallmouth: Chris Marty (20.00)

Huge congrats to everyone! That was a hell of a tournament! You can check out the final results here on TourneyX.

Next year we’re not sure if we’ll do a month-long tournament. Some were able to remain competitive by fishing very productive bodies of water, but it’s clear that those who can fish more have a big advantage over those who cannot and those who do not have access to lakes/ponds with an abundance of fish.

Not to take anything away from those who fished their butts off this month, of course; we simply think a 2-day or 3-day no limit tournament would prove to be much more competitive and rewarding for all involved.

So, at a minimum, we will do a few short ones next year, and maybe one month-long (but don’t count on it). We will be upping the minimum length to 15 inches as well.

Anyway, thanks to all for signing up! We appreciate it. And thanks to Dwayne Walley and TourneyX for making this kind of tournament possible!

To those who placed, we will send payments in a few hours to the PayPal address through which you paid your entry fee. If you would like it sent elsewhere, please contact Ken.

The Northeast No Limit Showdown: A Few Things…

To those who signed up for the Northeast No Limit Showdown, thank you! This is the first time we’ve ever done anything like this, so we appreciate you giving it a shot. Should be a great event!

That said, while we don’t anticipate any issues, please be patient if there are any bumps in the road.

To help make sure everything runs smoothly, though, we want to mention a few things:

All bass submitted must be at least 12 inches.

You may use the identifier available on TourneyX (and posted below), or you may just add the code—PWT—to an existing identifier, such as KBF’s.

Hawg Troughs only! No other measuring device is allowed in this event.

The standings page on TourneyX will only show a maximum of 12 submissions; we have set it to show eight for this event. So it will show each angler’s biggest eight fish submitted and an overall length of all fish submitted.

Ken Wood is judging this event and also competing in it. Obviously that creates a conflict of interest. So he is going to post on our Facebook group page (in a photo album) the TourneyX photo of every fish he submits, along with each individual fish’s length and a total length of all fish submitted. This will be the judge’s photo, which looks like this:

Doing this, allowing everyone to verify his submissions, should hopefully create enough transparency to eliminate that conflict of interest.

We had 40 anglers sign up, so we’re paying out four spots and a total of $800, which comes out to:

1st – $400
2nd – $200
3rd – $120
4th – $80

We had two optional lunker pools, and they will payout as follows:

Largemouth – $115
Smallmouth: $70

If you have any questions, please let us know.

Good luck!