To help promote consistency in kayak bass fishing competition nationwide, Massachusetts Kayak Bassin’ has adopted Kayak Bass Fishing’s Competition Rules Standards.
You can find those rules here.
However, there are a few things that we do differently, so we have our own rules addendum, which you can find below. In addition, some events may have its own rules addendum, further restrictions or less. Those details will be provided in the event description on Fishing Chaos..
All anglers wishing to compete in our tournaments are required to understand and comply with these rules. Failure to do so could result in deductions or disqualification.
KBF Competition Rule 2B
Length—The minimum length of bass scored in competition is 12 inches. Photos of bass shorter than the minimum will be denied.
MAKB Rule Addendum
Length—The minimum length of bass scored in MAKB competition is 8 inches. Photos of bass shorter than the minimum will be denied.
KBF Competition Rule 6
There is no specific KBF rule under Cooperation, Assistance and Information Gathering that ours alters.
MAKB Rule Addendum
During competition, anglers may not coordinate or communicate with other competitors or non-competitors to provide each other an unfair advantage on the water. Simply put: NO TEAM FISHING! General talk among competitors on the water is allowed.
KBF Competition Rule 9E
Only the official KBF identifier is acceptable for photo submission.
MAKB Rule Addendum
We do not require any angler to use a specific identifier card. We do have an MAKB identifier card that you can purchase here, but it is optional.
The identifier code must be accurate and visible in the photo. It must be written on something—your hand, a piece of paper, another identifier card, etc.—or typed and printed. An identifier code shown on an electronic device is not allowed.
KBF Competition Rule 9G
Competitor’s hand may not contact any portion of the Caudal Peduncle past the back edge of the fish’s dorsal or anal fin.
MAKB Rule Addendum
Competitor’s hand may not contact the Caudal Fin.

Mouth open 1/4 inch or more, even if it appears to be structurally unable to close completely—half-inch deduction.
MAKB Rule Addendum
Mouth open more than 1/4 inch, even if it appears to be structurally unable to close completely—half-inch deduction.
If you have any questions, or need clarification, please reach out to us via our contact form.